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Keeping the Whole Family Safe This Christmas


It’s Christmas. Time for the family to gather and spend quality time together. We decorate the inside and out of the house with festive cheer. This is also the time of year we manage to drag out every recipe in the box. But how can you make sure that the four-legged members of the family are safe during this time of the year with so many hidden dangers? Here are a few easy tips that will make the holidays safe and fun for everyone in the family.

If your pet isn’t socialized, or if your guests haven’t met your pet, there are some things to keep in mind before the doorbell rings. First, make sure your pet has on their collar and their tags are up to date. Your guests may not notice Olive ran out the door behind them and having their collar on increases the chances of your pet being returned to you. Hold onto your pet as your guests arrive, give your pet a moment to smell and “meet” everyone. If there are kids, make sure they know how to handle your pet. Some pets react poorly to the high pitch of small children’s voices. Having a place for your pet to go to will help alieve stress for your pet.

December is the month for the highest incidents of house fires. This is in part to unattended candles, and Christmas lights. Pets are known for chewing on electrical cords, so tape them down. Secure the top of the tree to the wall to prevent the tree from falling over. Glass ornaments should be avoided if you have precocious animals, but you can also use string to tie the bulbs to the branches. If you are using a live tree, make sure you keep the tree watered and cover the water pan to keep out the pets!

We know that chocolate is toxic to dogs, but did you know that garlic and onions are, too? So are grapes and raisins, leeks, alcohol, xylitol, most candy, and most types of bones. There are even several plants that are potentially deadly to our four legged friends. The list includes: poinsettias, holly, mistletoe, lilies, and aloe.

We want to make sure that you and your pets get to enjoy all there is to the holiday season. Craighead County is our home; you are our neighbors, family, and friends. We thank you for letting us represent you in the office of Sheriff. We will continue on our goal for a safer and better community for this and future generations.


Merry Christmas,

Sheriff Marty Boyd

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